Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Answer To My Prayers

The Answer To My Prayers

 I was walking down the road, in the autumn of my years;
the leaves were brilliant colors, though my eyes were red with tears

My pain was ever mounting. Death was always surely near
-my troubles and my heartache held me tight in cold, dark fear

.I prayed to Jesus every day. Every burden I could name;
but He never seemed to answer. Every day was still the same

.Life is so unfair I pled, that I should bear this awful pain;
and then without a warning, there I stood in pouring rain.

It came down heavy. The wind blew hard;
the mud was slick, and caught me off-guard

.Embarrassed on the cold ground - increasing anger taking hold
-I'm just too good of person. You so loved me, I was told

.I screamed again, "Life's so unfair - And getting worse!" I hissed
,and with my energy exhausted, I raised an angry fist

.Then something shook my soul. It thundered from the sky
-and then in lightning flashes, two trees had caught my eye

.One bent down across the other, which stood along beside
;it curved if humbly bowing and exposed my selfish pride
Were my troubles overwhelming- because I was at a loss?
Did my pains need me to stumble to see this simple cross?

So then the prayer I uttered, was something like those trees-
with one bowed low and humbly, as I knelt there on my knees
The whole of vast unfairness, in life that I had earned
;just couldn't hold a candle, to what I’d finally learned

.Did I deserve some comfort? No bird would dare to sing!
Had I worn a thorn? I thought, endured a nail or anything?

No. My life was easy. My burden unfairly light
-for Jesus seized that evil death, so I could be set right.

Yes, I know that life's unfair, though not to me you see;
but rather to the Lamb of God, His sacrifice for me! –
Jan Bagwell
God Bless