Monday, June 9, 2014

Lighthouse, Lead Me Home

Lighthouse, Lead Me Home

The beams reach out into the night
And drive the darkness away.
That old lighthouse shines so bright,
So sailors won't go astray.

The fog rolls onto the peaceful shore,
Trying to hide the light
That beams as it always did before
From the faithful lighthouse site.

Fog can't swallow that brilliant light.
No, not one little beam.
Its rays reach out into the night.
In radiance, it throws a gleam.

It's there to guide a sailor so weary
To the shore from a sea so vast,
From a long voyage, sometimes dreary,
But the light points him home at last.

The light of Jesus reaches wide and far
To drive the darkness of sin away.
His love reaches beyond the highest star.
He finds the sheep who's gone astray.

The Devil, like fog, may try to dim
And hide the light so great,
But the light of Jesus outshines him,
And defeat is the Devil's fate.

The Light guides a Christian who's weary
Sailing the sea of life so vast.
The Light can swallow trials so dreary
And point a Christian home at last!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !