Tuesday, June 10, 2014



Walls of gems and pearls and gold,
Gates which seal a truth untold,
Angels that doth guard the doors,
Leading to eternal cores-

Heaven in it's mightiness,
My dream, desire, I confess!
The songs of praise, they fill my ears,
And fill my eyes with guilty tears.

My heart, it beats of love for Him,
The Mighty One who fills to brim,
Every empty cup of gloom
With peace, to rescue us from doom.

Dwells He, in that glorious home,
And sits upon the highest throne.
Surrounding Him, the angels sing,
"He is the Everlasting King!"

Tranquility fills the air
Of heaven- knoweth not, despair,
The souls of peaceful, righteous ones,
Who've lived to, this great kingdom, come.

There, the King, He bears a crown,
Of gold and silver, gems surround.
Oh! What a sight, I wish to see,
A place where I would love to be!

My Savior, He awaits at shore,
And points towards the open doors
And calls to me, to faith, receive,
And in His promise, to believe.

That's the heaven in my dreams,
Although so very far it seems,
A day shall come when I shall reach
The shores of heaven, all redeemed!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless