Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ticket To Heaven

Ticket To Heaven

I'm a citizen of heaven,
got my passport in my hand
and one day I'm going to go
to the promised land.

My name is in the book of life,
I know God's written it down
and I can hardly wait . . .
till my feet hit the ground.

Jesus is making my room ready,
and there will be an open door
inside of it there's gonna be
all my treasures He has stored.

My ticket is in my pocket,
it says I am heaven bound
but until I finally take off
I gotta keep my mind sound.

I need to keep my faith strong,
keep my eyes looking forward
so that there won't be anything
that will catch me off my guard.

You see, I got me a reservation,
in a mansion, I am going to stay
and nothing gonna keep me . . .
from that Promised Day!
“ In my Father’s house are many mansions:
   if it were not so , I would have told 
   you I go to prepare a place you ,
   I will  come again  and  receive  you unto
   myself , that where I am , there ye may be
John  14 : 2-3
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !