Friday, June 6, 2014

Our American Flag

Our American Flag

 We call it the "Star-spangled Banner."
We call it "Old Faithful" too.
We use many descriptive names
To honor the "Red, White, and Blue."

Our flag has seen many battles
Fought to keep our nation free.
We fight for what it stands for,
Freedom from dictators and tyranny.

We carried it to World War One
Where thousands of lives were lost.
Americans fought on foreign soil.
For freedom, we paid the cost.

Americans raised it on Iwo Jima
Near the end of World War Two.
We took it to the land of Korea
To fight there for what was true.

In the foreign land of Viet Nam,
Our flag lingered for many years,
Through loss of many precious lives,
Through sorrow, pain, and tears.

After the Nine-Eleven tragedies,
Against terrorists, we took a stand.
We rallied around our flag anew
To stamp out terrorism in our land.

Let us pray for our dear nation
And for all our many leaders too.
Let us stand for what is right
And fly the Red, White, and Blue.
Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations , I will be exalted in the earth . 
Pslam 46:10[NIV]

When our country  stop standing for God , will God still stand for America .
Freedom is not Free , somebody has to pay the price .