Monday, June 11, 2012

   The Breaking Heart

When your lonely heart is breaking
    ‘Neath a heavy load of care ,
And your tears have been exhausted
     But the pain still lingers there –
Then take it to the mender ,
     Commit it all to Him –
And let Him bind the broken chords,
     And give new joy within .
For underneath the burden sore ,
     Your spirit cries cloud ,
And Jesus’ ear is turned to hear
      Your cry above the crowed,
Why hold it then , within your heart ,
      To eat your soul away ,
When Jesus beckons  you to come
       And hide in Him today ?
He wants to heal your broken heart ,
      He died for one you know-
And in His dying , met your need , 
      And conquered every  foe.
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless !
Prayer list :
Jan Bagwell [ knees and neck ]
Judy Howard [ Knees ]
Billy Phillips Mother
Hali Bagwell and David Bagwell
Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell
Hazel Bagwell
Nadine Stvan
Mike Wells and mother