Friday, June 8, 2012

My Own Song

Oh, glad am I that I was born !
For who is sad when flaming morn
Burst forth ,or when the mighty might
Carries the soul from height to height!

To me , as to the child that sings ,
The bird that claps his rain-washed wings ,
The breeze that curls the sun-tipped flower,
Comes some new joy with each new hour .

Joy in the beauty of the earth ,
Joy in the fire upon the hearth ,
Joy in that potency of  love
In  which I live and breathe and move !

Joy even in the shapeless thought
That ,some day ,when all tasks are wrought ,
I shall explore that vasty deep.
Beyond the frozen gates of sleep .

For joy attunes all beating things ,
With me each rhythmic atom sings ,
From glow till gloom ,from mirk till morn;
Oh , I am glad that I was born
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !