Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Dad

My dad

A man passed away many years ago
A man of great resolve
Who strived to live
A different life
One of love and soul
He didn't care about material things
Only knowledge and truth were his way
A man of ideas and thought
A man from yesterday
Still relevant today
He was a father and husband
A teacher and a poet
A dreamer and a traveller
Who loved the earth and the bush
Who made simple things an adventure
And made things remain
And gave us all a chance to dream
Of things that made life
More to us it's seems
Did he doubt and wonder why
Did he have some regrets
A life lived well always will
It's a life I won't forget  
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless!
Tonight after church , I sat on a bench outside , and I felt the spirit of God move  and it felt like  a great peace came upon me !