Tuesday, June 12, 2012

        Sometime We’ll Understand

Not now , but in the coming years ,
   It may be in the Better Land ,
We’ll read the meaning of our tears ,
And there , sometime , we’ll understand.

We’ll catch the broken threads again ,
    And finish what we here began ;
Heav’n will the mysteries explain ,
    And then , ah then ,we’ll understand .

We’ll know why clouds instead of sun
    Were over many a  cherished plan
Why song has ceased , when scarce began ;
    Tis there , sometime , we’ll understand .

God knows the way , He holds the key ,
    He guides us with unerring hand ;
Sometimes with tearless eyes we’ll see
 Yes , there , up there ,we’ll understand .

Then trust in God through all thy days ;
   Fear not , for he doth hold thy hand ;
Through dark the way  ,still sing and praise ;
   Sometime  , sometime , we’ll understand .
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless !