Sunday, July 19, 2020

Just a Man

Just a Man

It always starts with tender hearts,
And foes cannot withstand,
The pow'r in those that God controls
If even just a man.

A time or two for quite a few
Performing God's own plan.
Who will resign to God's design?
Behold, it's just a man.

In countless ways the Lord displays
The glories of His Hand.
It must amuse that He would use
The likes of just a man.

From castle walls to hallowed halls
From age to age the span.
From east to west sometimes the best
Has ended up a man.

A fiend subdued; a plan construed,
All flashes in the pan.
A spec of gold that God can mold
'Tis God with just a man.

In darkest night subdued in fright
A child will and can,
Endure the fear when he draws near
A father, just a man.

In humbleness we pass the test
God sets to make us grand.
As we decline, we're sure to find
God make of us a man.

God can bless the awkward mess
That without Him won't stand.
And when He does, look out, because
That mess that's blessed is man.