Friday, July 17, 2020

Fleeting Years

   Fleeting Years

It seemed just yesterday whistles blew ,
   And sirens shrieked a mighty cheer .
When merry makers jammed the midnight streets  
   To welcome in the glad New Year .

Only a little while since then it seems
     We faced the year with joyful heart .
And in the song and cheer of happy souls
    Our festive spirits were apart .

We looked with bright prospects upon the year
     To try what we had tried before
To give to Christ and to lost human kind
    A yielded heart to serve Him more .

But now the year has swiftly fled away .
     And we are left with little done .
The many tasks that we had planned to do ,
     It seems that have just begun .

So swiftly flies the fleeting hours away ;
     So soon the precious days are o’er ;
Unless we hasten in Master’s work ,
     We’ll fail , just as we did before.

The old year’s gone , but – in thy hand the new .
      Another chance has come and show .
As stewards of the year ,we must not fall
     A faithful service  to bestow .

We cannot stop the passing of the hours ,
     Nor to our heart hold back the day .
Just as it came , so it must soon depart ,
     And leave us on our weary way .

But one thing there is left for every man
     Within harvest field to do ,
And Grace is giv’n  to carry out God ‘s plan ,
     Before the old year  changes out God’s   plan