Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Visitation

The Visitation

Blow the trumpets in Zion, blow;
Sound an alarm throughout the land.
Let all the people quake with fear
Until all hear and understand.

A day of gloominess and dread,
Dark as the deepest day or night;
One where only meteors shine;
As mist upon the mountain spread.

Destruction from the Lord has come.
Look! He is an avenging sword;
Who sent His hostile armies forth:
The terrible day of the Lord.

Look at His Word, the embattled power;
A flame is kindled by their fears;
Plagues, famines, hate, and swords have joined;
His fire before their face devours.

Before their face as Eden blooms,
Lays the pleasant landscape to waste.
No more the seat of joy and peace;
Their breath, the paradise consumes.

Four horsemen harnessed for the fight;
Loud rattling's were never far.
Light over the mountain top they bound,
Borne headlong with restless might.
1 John 4:7
King James Version

"Beloved, let us love one another:
for love is of God; and every one
that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."