Friday, March 27, 2020

The Blessing

The Blessing

Jesus Christ, our only Savior;
Suffering pains no tongue can tell;
Turning away God's wrath forever;
Saving His saints from the pains of hell.

To remind us and to save us;
With His life, the quickening flood;
His flesh that He then gave us;
With His wine -His precious blood.

Praise the Father, God in Heaven;
Who gave over to death His Son;
To pay and to defend us
From our misdeeds we do and have done.

Christ calls to the heavy-laden;
Those not yet strong,or not yet well;
He'll make the weary hearts gladden;
Despise the best physician's skill.

No one can earn their own salvation;
Or this feast that is spread for me;
Useless is my own death and passion;
Unless my Holy Helper it is He.

If you believe this Gospel truly;
Then as a welcome Guest you'll be;
All your confessions He makes holy;
While His Feast is spread for me.