Saturday, March 21, 2020

Awake My Heart with Gladness

Awake My Heart with Gladness

Awake my heart with humble gladness.
See what our Lord has done today.
How after gloom and solemn sadness
Comes forth the Bright Son where He laid.

By the grave, they thought they had killed Him;
Holding a pompous jubilee;
Before the women could attend Him,
Jesus Christ once more was free!

Upon the grave there stands The Hero;
Looking around without the foe.
No more withstanding from below
As God's banner forever blows.;

A sight it is to bring more gladness;
To fill the Apostles' hearts with glee;
No more fright or hysteric sadness;
His precious Love is forever free.

Hell and its' loathsome prince, the Devil;
His powers and controls now torn;
Now I am safe from all that's evil
No matter how he rages and storms.

The world against me will rages;
Even though its' fury I disdain.
Though bitter war Satan still wages,
His demonic works are all in vain.

My heart, from care, is forever free;
Misfortune will no longer stay;
No trouble will ever trouble me;
Night is no longer night, its' day

I hold forever to my Savior;
He promises He will never leave.
Whatever my life must travel through;
To His Strength I will ever cleave.

To the halls of heavenly splendor;
In my heart He will penetrate.
No enemy will I ever fear;
No reason to hesitate.

He'll bring me to His Heavenly Portal
That opens into eternal bliss.
Then and there I'll be immortal;
With no more fears of the abyss.