Monday, March 16, 2020



My Beloved Mother had a vineyard
On a very fruitful hill
She dug it up and cleared its stones
According to her will

She planted with the choicest vines
And built a tower, too
She made a wine press for the grapes
But good grapes never grew

No matter what she did for it
The constant care she showed
Instead of fruit that she could use
The wild grapes would grow

So she broke down all the walls
And let the outside in
To trample down and lay it waste
To never grow again

Can you see the parallel
To where we are today?
God has blessed us for so long
And we've gone so astray!

Lord God, forgive Your fruitless vines!
And grant us a new start
Help us produce the best of grapes
Within our hardened hearts

Oh, Lord, hear! Oh, Lord, forgive!
Oh, Lord, relight the fire!
Revive Your Church and make of us
A people You desire.

Oh, Lord, we throw ourselves on You,
Helpless without Your hand
Break up our rocky, fallow ground
And heal our sinful land.