Sunday, December 1, 2019

Wise Men Still Seek Him

Wise Men Still Seek Him

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in the days of Herod the king,
There came from the east to Jerusalem, wise men with gifts to bring.
Saying, Where is He that is born, this precious King of the Jews,
For His star appeared in the east, to announce this glorious news.

And, lo, the star which they saw, went before them on their way,
Till it came and stood over the place, of this wondrous holy day!
With exceeding great joy and praise, they entered into the place,
Where they saw the young Child with Mary; Jesus, face to face.

They fell down and worshipped the Saviour, in complete humility and awe,
Bowed in pure amazement, of all that they heard and saw,
This King had no grand arrival, no trumpet announcement of birth,
No fancy attire to clothe Him, with the inheritance of his worth.

Yet, as they beheld this Child, they began to see His fame,
For He was clothed in Mercy and Truth, by the power of His Name.
He wore a crown of glory, and righteousness became His robe,
His kingdom spanned the universe, beyond the earthly globe.

Yes, this Child was royalty! They could sense it in their soul,
As they opened up their treasures, of frankincense and gold,
Laid before the King, they presented Him with their best,
Rejoicing in the blessing, to be His honored guests...

Now Wise Men Still Seek His Face, as they did in days of old,
To give the Lord their hearts, more precious than silver and gold.
For the King still lives today, and invites men to His side,
To reign with Him in glory, as His Beloved Bride!!!