Saturday, December 7, 2019

I'Ll Spend Christmas Alone '' -

I'Ll Spend Christmas Alone '' -
As Christmas approaches I am filled with dread,
Though it's that time of cheer and goodwill,
I won't wait up I will just go to bed,
The very thought of it gives me a chill.
I'll get up in the morning do my usual routine,
With no presents or company to enjoy,
No friends or family no special cuisine,
Nor traditions that I need to employ.
If I died today nobody would know,
In fact there's no one would care,
We live in a world where material goods flow,
Looking after others is looked on as rare.
I've tried my best to make some friends,
But their lives are busy and fast,
Before you know it the relationship ends,
They've become another part of my past.
How I'd love someone to talk to today,
But I know that's a wish too far,
If they'd only say Hi my sadness they'd allay,
It's a feeling that is utterly bizarre.
We all need company it's a human trait,
We thrive on communication,
But the old and the lonely society tends to negate,
This in the main is a modern creation.
As I watch the children play on the street,
It brings memories of days gone by,
Where everyone spoke and my life felt complete,
The very thought of it still makes me cry.
If you know someone who could do with a talk,
Offer them the pleasure of your charms,
By offering assistance their mind you'll unlock,
They'll welcome you with wide opened arms.
Though my loneliness is prevalent throughout the year,
On this day it is more profound,
Cherished memories always bring on a tear,
My isolation I know it will compound.
I've always believed that dreams can come true,
But resentment for the lonely has grown,
My feelings of despair I will try to subdue,
As Once Again,