Sunday, October 20, 2019

I only passing through

I'm only passing through this place, as I'll be heading home one day,
My Hope is far beyond this place, for someone pointed me to The Way.

For Christ is The Way, The Truth, The Life for all who will believe,
Christ changed the path of this hopeless soul with just a tiny seed.

I was purchased with The Blood of Christ out of this market of sin,
I was then planted on The Eternal Rock and given a new life to begin.

As I was redirected on a new journey to my Palatial Home in Heaven,
The Holy Spirit began to remove from my life fleshly sin and leaven.

Jesus Christ was crucified only once for all, to demonstrate the way,
But we my friend, must crucify our sinful flesh each and every day.

Salvation happens only once, at the very moment you truly believed,
But Sanctification continues on until at The Kingdom we are received.