Saturday, October 19, 2019

Holy is "HE"

Holy is "HE"

“JESUS” is Love and Harmony…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
Sent by “GOD” to set us free…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” gave his life to pay our fee…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
We believe in “HE” to let it be…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” shines his light on you and me …
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
For we were blind but now we see…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” makes a place where we will be…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
To live with “HE” so peacefully…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
For we are “HIS” family…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
To be with “HE” for eternity…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
Know how happy we will be…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE
We give our Love and Thanks to “THEE”…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
All praise and glory be to “THE”…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”