Friday, November 3, 2017

If We Are To Have Hope

If We Are To Have Hope

If we are to have hope,
in what we can’t see
why is it then Lord . . .
we don’t trust more in Thee?

If we are to have patience,
while for Your return we await
why is it then Lord . . .
we don’t keep to the straight gate?

If we are to have faith,
that Your Kingdom is coming
why is it then Lord . . .
we don’t keep faithfully running.

If we are to have perseverance,
even though You may tarry
why is it then Lord . . .
we don’t our own cross carry?

If we are to have hope,
if we are to trust and believe
why is it then Lord . . .
we don’t keep our eyes on Thee?
Romans 8:25

“But if we hope for that we see not,
then do we with patience wait for it.”

King James Version