Sunday, November 5, 2017

I Am My Brother's Keeper .

I Am My Brother's Keeper . . .

I am my brother's keeper,
I help him to understand
that God wants him to put
his whole life in His hand.

I am my sister's keeper,
I help her to see the light
I encourage her to grow
and keep Jesus in her sight.

I am my neighbor's keeper,
I pray for their families needs
I support them to always listen 
and follow where God leads.

I am my mother's keeper,
in her old age I help her out
I hold her hand when lonely
and keep away her doubt.

I am my father's keeper,
I lift to God his very soul
I pray every day and night
that God will make him whole.

I am my children's keeper,
I listen to their concerns
I pray as they become adults
God's will, they can discern.

The Lord is my keeper,
I pray to Him every day
to bring me anyone I can help
as I go about His way.
Genesis 4:9

Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is 
Abel your brother?" He said, "I do not 
know. Am I my brother's keeper?"