Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Humbled by Your Majesty

Humbled by Your Majesty

Lord, Your awesome beauty, takes my breath away!
I could stand here in Your Presence, for ever and a day,
For when I see Your glory, that covers all the earth,
I bow before Your Throne, humbled by my worth.

Only You could make the mountains, that tower to the sky,
Standing in majestic splendor, as the clouds float gently by.
Only You can stop the oceans from spilling o'er the shore,
As they crash upon the rocks, returning back for more.

Only You could send the rain, to refresh the thirsty land,
Sent from heaven's river, by the power of Your hand.
Only You can lift the sun, to rise above the plain,
With sparkling rays of light, to warm the fields of grain.

When I consider Thy heavens, and the work of Thy Hand,
The moon and the stars, which Thou hast set above the land.
What is man, that Thou, art mindful of his worth?
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth!

For man cannot compare to the glory of creation,
A paradise, unequaled, of the highest aspiration.
Yet, You gave Your Only Son, for our spiritual rebirth,
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth!!!