Thursday, November 9, 2017

Turning the Tables

Turning the Tables

We come to Him with empty hands
And lame in both our feet
In rags before the righteous King
To face His judgment seat

With sin-stained hands and guilty pleas
As dead dogs we do lie
Requesting mercy as we claim
Your servant now am I

Indeed how just the King would be
To put us in our place
Express the fullness of His wrath
Instead, He offers grace

Forgiv’ness for repentant hearts
Who’ve come to Him in faith
Before the throne a place is set
To dine before His face

With such a gift we now draw near
Invited to His table
Partaking of the bread and cup
For by the Lord we’re able

The tables have been turned for those
He loves and calls His own
Once far away enslaved to sin
Now near and fully known