Monday, May 8, 2017



There are times when the truth is not what we want to hear,
Then perhaps question it, almost before it reaches the ear.
When the truth's been disguised, it's difficult to recognize,
Then as it's revealed, it may catch some people by surprise.

Truth of the activity's of some, if known, would cause shame,
Instead of being what they pretend, mud would be their name.
As the truth's known, some may receive credit that's past due,
For they're behind the scenes doing those things others want do.

The place to go if the fountain of truth we seek to discover,
Is God's Word, for there it is contained from cover to cover.
God's instruction book to man that he can live a truthful life,
Dealing with the events that could cause him trouble and strife.

Jesus is the way, truth and life, only through Him is God reached,
And that's the way it is, no matter how differently it's preached.
He said, trust him, we'll know the truth and it will set us free,
Although He said this some years ago, He meant it for you and me.