Saturday, May 13, 2017

Let It Go

Let It Go

Playing it safe just so
Your heart won't break
Neither hot nor cold 
So nothing is at stake

Afraid to open up to 
What you may find inside
The threat of breaking
It's just easier to hide

The numbness of
Feeling completely torn
Has left you feeling 
Weighted, lonely, worn 

So you smile and pretend
Life's somewhere inside
So the world won't know 
The emptiness you hide

It's easier to pretend
It is all in your control
When is it finally time
To just let it go? 

Take a look inside 
Call upon His name
Accept His saving grace
Let go of anger's flame

Your freewill hangs in the
Balance with your heart
Only you can choose 
To let grace have a part

Drop onto your knees 
Give up self control
Let the tears fall down 
Only you can let it go

Let your heart break free
Let hurt turn to healing
Love will cast out fear
Numb will turn to healing
Just let it go.