Saturday, May 6, 2017

The City of No More

The City of No More

In the City of ~ No More,
is where I long to be
and I can hardly wait
until Jesus sends for me.

I am going to walk,
on the street of ~ No More Tears
for God will wipe them away
along with all of my fears.

On the road of ~ No More Pain,
I will be compete and whole
for I will have a new body
with a ~ glorified in Him ~ soul.

I know I will run and jump,
down the path of ~ No More Sin
knowing that all wickedness
will be kept from joining in.

On the highway of ~ No More Death,
there will be a jubilant parade
and from Satan's evil-doings
I will never again be afraid.

The mansion of ~ No Separation,
is where I will spend eternity
and I can't wait to dwell in . . .
the City of ~ No More Anxiety!
Revelation 21:4
King James Version

"And God shall wipe away all tears from 
their eyes; and there shall be no more 
death, neither sorrow, nor crying, 
neither shall there be any more pain: 
for the former things are passed away."