Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Sometimes I get so befuddled,
That I don't know where to turn.
Cares of this life weigh me down
With the troubles they concern.

I must always remind myself
I have access to a higher power.
I don't need to worry and fret.
God is with me every hour.

God is with me in the sunshine
And when the dark shadows fall.
I am His blood-bought child,
And upon Him I can always call.

He can solve all my problems.
For Him, nothing is too hard.
God always knows what I need.
He is never caught off guard.

Yes, when I feel downhearted
With some trifling, worldly care,
I must take this burden to God,
And then I must leave it there.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless