Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Greatest Birth Announcement

The Greatest Birth Announcement

As shepherds watched their flocks one night
Abiding in a field near Bethlehem,
There appeared to them an awesome sight.
A great and mighty fear fell on them.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to them.
"To you good tidings I bring!" said He
"A Savior is born unto you in Bethlehem,
Who is Christ, the Lord, you shall see."

"And this shall be a sign unto thee;
In a manger, the Babe ye will find,
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, He'll be.
He is born, the Savior of all mankind."

Then many angels came, praising God then.
"Glory to God in the highest!" said they,
"And peace on earth good will toward men!"
When they were finished, they went away.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless