Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Everything feels topsy-turvy:
Mankind seems to have gone mad!
Wickedness is the new normal -
Evil's good and good is bad.

Raging wars and rumors thereof -
Lies, deception, gore and greed;
Earthquakes, famine, floods and fire
Escalating: gaining speed.

These are evil times we live in
But the worst is still to come;
What seems certain now is that the
Time of sorrows has begun.

Do not fear what must soon happen,
What will presently take place:
Just stay close to God's Son, Jesus -
Persevere and run the race.

Trust in Him and you won't falter;
Get down on your knees and pray.
Shine His light while you are able
'Till He snatches us away.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless