Saturday, November 19, 2016

Our Golden Years Prayer Warriors

Our Golden Years Prayer Warriors

We all have saints in our churches,
Who have reached their golden years.
They have grown old while serving God
Through blessings as well as tears.

Many are so physically disabled,
That they seem so frail and so weak.
We don't expect them to do any work,
Though little tasks they may seek.

Many dear precious saints of God
Are great prayer warriors of care.
They can't do the work they once did,
But they can spend time in prayer.

"I can't visit for Jesus anymore,"
I heard one senior saint say,
"But I think about the ones who do,
And for these Christians, I pray."

Prayer warriors make a difference
As they pray for a special need.
They are so valuable in our midst.
They are precious to us indeed.
Jan Bagwell 

God Bless rayer Warriors