Thursday, November 17, 2016

He Can

He Can!

He can charm the dew off the honeysuckle
Speak and flower blossoms grow.
Cause fruit to appear on a dried up twig
My child, oh did you not know?

He can hold the world in the palm of his hand
Form the seasons and the times
Hang a rainbow of color out in the sky
Promising no more rain of this kind.

He can change the sparrow's flight into an eagle's
At the whisper of his mighty voice
He can cause the tree of palm to dance
With one angelic choice.

He can cause galaxies to rise and sing
Call each star by its given name
Hang worlds unknown out into space
Where they shall forevermore remain.

He can hold back the ocean with a touch of his hand
Speak and stars fall to the ground
Mention his name and a hurricane stops
And does not whisper another sound.

He can speak life into a barren soul
Cause it to be fruitful and to grow
At the sound of his gentle heartbeat
Oceans quiet their raging flow.

He can send life into a wilted flower
Send rain upon the land
My God can do all of these things
He is the God who can!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless