Monday, November 14, 2016



We listen to claims in their heated debates,
Searching for hope in the embers.
We’re fearful their platforms are sealing our fates;
Jargon that no one remembers.

The promises made do not calm or relieve;
Knowing it’s votes they’re pursuing.
With media’s hype, don’t know what to believe;
Hoping it’s not our undoing.

We’ve traveled so far from the path, now we’re lost;
Chasing our purpose and pleasure!
Corruption and greed; do we notice the cost?
Not when we’re guarding our treasure.

So change is our goal as we cast our one vote,
Hoping we’ll make the right choices.
We pray for their chances, however remote;
Grasping for change with our voices.

Regardless of outcome when votes have been cast;
Feelings of joy or complaining.
Our hope is eternal, his rule is so vast;
Ever our Jesus is reigning.

The King of all kings and the Lord of all lords;
Sovereign purpose revealing.
He’s ruling the nations as His will accords;
All in the end will be kneeling.

So make your selections with wisdom and prayer,
Finally end all this dueling.
Be anxious for nothing by casting your care;
Trusting that Jesus is ruling.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless