Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Future of Hope

 Future of Hope

In solitude and time of prayer
I cried to the Lord in quiet despair
My feelings hurt and emotions raw
If only I could see what the Lord saw
He whispered gently to my soul
Don't let discouragement take you from the fold
You receive my blessings day by day
And some days just don't go your way
But I have special plans for you
For a life of peace and joy too
You have a future full of hope
I am here to help you cope
Seek me daily I'm listening for you
Search for me with your heart so true
I will lead you back to a safe place
Where we can talk face to face
There's no mountain too steep
Nor any valley that's so deep
That God can't lead you from where you roam
Back to His peace and comfort and safety of home
Jan Bagwell
God Bless