Monday, February 29, 2016

Grandpa's Last Day

Grandpa's Last Day

On a beautiful morning one day in May,
I went to my grandma and grandpa's to stay.
My grandpa fixed breakfast and fed it to me.
I felt so secure as I sat on his knee.
I ate every bite of my eggs and my grits.
For a snack later on we'd have cheese whiz and ritz.
Yet on this bright morning when the dishes were done
we went out on the porch and sat down in the sun.
Grandpa picked up his paper and on that old porch swing,
he went in a flash to meet Jesus the King.
Before I got grandma I climbed on his lap,
hugged him and kissed him then I felt a gap.
Although I was little my heart felt such dread
the moment I realized my grandpa was dead.
Though I miss him dearly I know where he's gone.
He's joyfully worshiping God at His throne.
I can't wait to see him I know he is there.
Asking for me to be kept in God's care.
Soon we will be singing Amazing Grace
as we all live forever in that glorious place.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless