Friday, March 4, 2016

I'd rather get ran over

I'd rather get ran over

Lord, please give me vision, help a dad to see
what I think best for my kids may not always be...

I want my kids to laugh forever, I hope they never cry
I want them all in Heaven, but I hope they never die
I want them to be safe and forever to be sound
I never want them lost so that they won't have to be found
I want them all with me, every single day
for I know when they're away they will surely lose their way
I want to keep them safe from the world and all its pain
and constantly be their shelter so they're not standing in the rain
I want to ease their fears and hear every whisper spoken
and shield their little hearts...never to be broken
As they cross the street, I want to walk before them
for I know the world's a truck and it's heading straight for them
I'd rather get ran over, as I've done so many times
I want to be the only one writing tearful rhymes
I want to be the light in the darkness of their night
and the only way to do that is to keep them in my sight
"Smile, single-file, kids..." everywhere we go
"Let's all stay together, now..." seven in a row
I know that as a man, these wishes can't come true
and so dear Lord, once again, I put it all on you
Please take this heavy burden, Christ, and help me understand
all that my kids will go've already planned
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !