Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The last Journey has begun

The last Journey has begun

Their eyes were heavy for they needed sleep
and they were unable their watch to keep.
Jesus had walked further along the way
and found some solitude so He could pray

“Father, if it is possible,” said He
“Will You please take this cup away from me?”
“But if not, then You know that I will do
all that is required and will obey You.”

Then He began to sweat great drops of blood
in great anguish of soul before His God.
Three times Jesus prayed the very same way
and three times His disciples in sleep lay.

The journey to Calvary had begun
for God the Father's obedient Son.
As the early sun had opened the day
Judas His betrayer was on his way.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !