Thursday, April 30, 2015

Where would I be without the cross?

Where would I be without the cross?

I went to the cross again in despair
and knelt down at the feet of Jesus there.
“It is me, dear Lord and I've come once more.”
(For I had been there many times before!)

“I know my child,” Jesus then said to me,
“But I am so glad that you've come to Me.
My love for you is unconditional
and I will always hear you when you call.”

“My Lord,” I said, “How ever can this be
that you should show such wondrous love to me.
For I am always weak and prone to sin
and I am feeling so dreadful within.”

Then Jesus said, “My child, Look upon Me.”
So I gazed into His eyes and could see
that the love of God was shining inside
as He hung there with His arms opened wide.

“My love is poured out for everyone
who comes before Me just like you have done.
“For there could be no other way for Me
to forgive you and then to set you free.”

“My Lord, my God,” my soul cried out in shame
as the tears flooded from my eyes again
“Such wondrous love is undeserved by me
for I was born of clay and misery.”

Where would I ever be without the cross?
All weighed down with my load of sin and dross
and left struggling against unnumbered foes.
Without my Saviour’s love and full of woes

Praise God for the cross of Jesus Christ
For His love and wonderful sacrifice
For the victory that that my Lord has won
For the new life that I have now begun

Jan Bagwell
God Bless