Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wait + Trust = Calm

Wait + Trust = Calm

Waiting . . .
waiting on my Lord,
praying for His will
praying even harder
to learn to be still.

Trusting . . .
trusting in my Lord,
praying for an answer
praying even harder
tranquility I will conquer.

Believing . . .
believing in my Lord
praying for His peace
praying even harder
this calm will never cease.

Waiting . . .
waiting on my Lord
I think I finally got it
praying not to loose it
praying even harder
never to forget it!
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless
Psalm 27:14
King James Version

"Wait on the Lord be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen thine heart:
wait, I say, on the Lord."