Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Black Holes

Black Holes

Some Christians are like "Black Holes',
they only draw in the light
they can't see their own darkness
for they always think they are right.

They say they read and study,
their Bibles most every day
but when no one is looking
their hearts from God are far away.

They look as if they're glowing,
from the wisdom they've acquired
and think everyone around them
should be . . . oh, so inspired.

They believe they are righteous,
there isn't anything they can't do
and these "Black Holes" suck the light
out of people like me and you.

Jesus called everyone to shed His light,
the best that we know how
but these "Black Holes" in our lives
think their holier than thou.

If you're one of these Christians,
I pray you'll let other's light so shine
then the darkness that is in the world
together we could ~ redefine.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Ephesians 5:8
King James Version

"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now
are ye light in the Lord: walk as
children of light:"