Monday, September 21, 2015

Because I'm Human

Because  I'm  Human 
Because I am am not  perfect
My best intentions seen                                              

To sometimes miss  fillment ,                                                                                              
Like  the texture of a dream ,                                                                                                                                  
And I wage a daily battle ,
That I very often lose ,
Between the things that  matter,
And the ones I seen to choose .

Because I am no angel ,
I am easy to mislead ,
In spite of what I know is right ,
I’m  swayed by pride and greed .
Sometimes  I think I love the world
Too much to want to leave ,
Though Eternity awaits me ,
And all that I believe ,

My free will is a problem ,
How easy it  would be ,
If God made the decisions ,
And took the job from me
But in this there is no merit ,
I am very well aware ,
So I  have to work for  Heaven ,
Every moment I am here.

And just because I’m human ,
It might take a little long ,
To be come   what I was meant to be ,
Since I’m really not that strong .
So I’ll just keep on a trying ,
and I’ll live from day to day ,
For my spirit is immortal ,
…Though my body’s made of  clay ,
Jan Bagwell
Jan Bagwell
God   Bless