Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Heaven's Tears

Heaven's Tears

Lord, I know you have a bottle,
collecting all my tears . . .
from the pain and sorrow
I’ve had throughout the years.

They must be overflowing,
forming a river wide and deep
and I'm sure before my life ends
I'll have more of them to weep.

Lord I know, You know my pain,
for You have suffered too
and I wonder if there’s a bottle
up in heaven just for You.

It must be gushing over,
with all the tears You cry
over those who don't believe
the reason You had to die.

Lord, I know one day our tears,
will forever stop and cease
and the river of tears in heaven
will flow with eternal peace!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless ! 
Revelation 22 : 1 
" And he shewed me a pure river 
of water of life clear as crystal 
proceeding out the throne
of God and of the Lamb ."