Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blessedness through brokenness

Blessedness through brokenness

Upon that hill near Galilee Jesus fed
multitudes with some fishes and bread.
But this meal could only be provided
once the food was broken and divided

And do you recall the jar that was broken
showing her love without a word spoken?
For in breaking the jar she filled the room
with the sweetest of loving perfume.

Brokenness and contrition are the start
of the restoration of life and heart.
For only broken souls know the feeling
of the sweet compassion of God’s healing.

And there in the upper room Jesus said
“This is my body,” when He broke the bread.
The red grapes had been crushed to make the wine
just as He was crushed for those sins of mine

For deep words of forgiveness were spoken,
when Jesus upon the cross was broken.
Whilst He was wounded and left there to die
“Father forgive,” was His imploring cry.

When the storm is at its worse Jesus knows
coming alongside His love overflows.
Embracing us with His arms opened wide
we can overcome when He’s alongside.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !