Monday, September 8, 2014

Godly Grandparents

Godly Grandparents

We call them Gramps; we call them Nanny.
We call them Grandpa; we call them Granny.
We select an affectionate title or name,
But they are our grandparents just the same.

Godly grandparents are blessings so dear.
Along life's path, they bring us cheer.
They can give advice that's useful and wise.
They can lift our spirits as high as the skies.

They think of their grandchildren everyday,
And for each one, they may fervently pray.
In God's Word, many truths they may glean.
Their Godly lives are wholesome and clean.

For Christian grandparents, thank God above,
For they care for your souls with a Godly love.
Show them you love them and treat them right.
Hug and kiss them and make their day bright.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Saved by Grace