Monday, June 16, 2014

Called to Serve

Called to Serve

We've been called by God to serve
Whether or not we have the nerve,
For He promised to be there
To help us if we do our share.

Protected by the Lord Above
And filled with zeal and holy love,
We need to be obedient; trust
To do what we feel sure we must.

Enabled by the Holy Ghost;
Surrounded by angelic host -
God has supplied our every need
So that we might excel; exceed.

He gave us gifts for a good reason:
That we might in or out of season
Share the Word of God with others;
Future pastors, sisters, brothers.

Serving, helping, praying, preaching,
healing, warring, giving, teaching:
Doing all we need to do
Without expecting one "Thank you”.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Father God thank you for my Children and Grandchildren and their families !