Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Depending On God

Depending On God

As a Christian, I depend on God
To guide me through each day.
I want Him to have control
Of all my life in every way.

I must go to God in prayer
As my Savior intercedes for me.
I must seek His will each day,
For His useful servant I must be.

I depend on my God each day
To supply my each and every need.
I want to follow every path
Wherever my Shepherd may lead.

If I don't let Him have control,
I surely know that I will fail.
I must completely trust in Him,
For He will certainly lead me well.

If your life is in confusion
Because God is not in control,
Just completely trust in Him.
Let this be your life's goal.
 Proverbs 3: 6  "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct  thy paths "
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !