Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jesus Is . . .

Jesus Is . . .

Jesus is . . .
my eternal Friend,
the Deliverer of my soul
the One who completes me
the One who makes me whole.

Jesus is . . .
my Redeemer,
the Forgiver of my wrongs
the One who blesses me
the One who keeps me strong.

Jesus is . . .
my Helper
the Comforter of my heart
the One who I always turn to
the One who'll never depart.

Jesus is . . .
my Shepherd
the Light in which I see
the One whose Word is Truth
the One who leads and guides me.

Jesus is . . .
my Healer
the Hope living inside me
the One who perfects me
the One whose image, I pray to be.

Jesus is . . .
my Savior
the Risen Lord and my King
the One who promises to everyone
soon His Peace, He'll bring!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Revelation 21: 3
“And He that sat upon the throne said ,
Behold I make all things new”.