Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Do I Believe?

Why Do I Believe?

When people ask me,
why I believe the way I do
why in God I still trust
after all I have been through?

I take my time to respond,
with meekness I explain . . .
it wasn't God who went away
it was I, who did not remain.

God has never left my side,
He has always been with me
it was I, who became blind
who chose His will not to see.

It was I, who took the chance,
who wandered off the path
it was I, who stopped believing
sin still stirred up His wrath.

God has never failed me,
He has waited for me patiently
it was I, who broke His heart
so very shamelessly.

It was I, who began to doubt,
who needed something more
it was I, who went out looking
behind every tempting door.

God's grace has covered me,
His mercy awaited my return
it was I, who needed reminding
for my sins, in hell I'd burn.

Lord, when people ask me,
why I believe the way, I do . . .
I tell them that temptation's door
kept leading me back to You.

Jan Bagwell

God  Bless
1 Peter  3: 15-16
King James Version

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts :
and  be ready always to give an answer
to every man that asketh you a reason
of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”