Monday, September 22, 2014

Lean On Me

Lean On Me

When I was yet a tiny fir tree
Shallow-rooted, supple, thin;
Another young tree grew beside me
And I thought it rude of him.

I needed space; refused to share -
Why couldn't he just go away?
About his needs I did not care,
But always wanted my own way.

Then one fateful day at dawn
As dew drops sparkled on my leaves,
I saw a doe and her young fawn
Approaching our copse of trees.

A hoof crushed me as they went by;
And I was broken; bent -
I offered up a silent cry
Believing that my life was spent.

"Don't weep, brother; I am here -
Lean on me for I am strong";
'Twas the voice of one so near;
The one I used to treat so wrong.

Many years have come and gone,
And seasons good and ill;
Though we have both grown tall and strong
I lean against him still.

If you should come upon some trees
And notice one is bent,
Look closer and you might just see
It's leaning on its friend.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !