Monday, September 15, 2014

Stand Strong For God

Stand Strong For God

by Margaret Cagle

Christians are certainly not exempt
From trials and problems in life.
Even when we do everything right,
We can still have pain and strife.

Whenever these troubles may come,
Think it not a strange thing.
Just keep standing strong for God,
For deliverance, our God can bring!

Be wise enough and humble enough
To seek help from the Lord above.
Read God's Word and always pray.
He will direct you in His love.

Just think! You are God's child!
He does not want His child to fail.
Stand true and strong for God,
For He will surely lead you well.
I Corinthians 16:13, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong."
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Stand Strong For God

Christians are certainly not exempt
From trials and problems in life.
Even when we do everything right,
We can still have pain and strife.

Whenever these troubles may come,
Think it not a strange thing.
Just keep standing strong for God,
For deliverance, our God can bring!

Be wise enough and humble enough
To seek help from the Lord above.
Read God's Word and always pray.
He will direct you in His love.

Just think! You are God's child!
He does not want His child to fail.
Stand true and strong for God,
For He will surely lead you well.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
1 Corinthians 16: 13 ,” Watch ye , stand fast in the faith , quit  you like men , be  strong “