Monday, April 21, 2014

Thomas Ended His Doubts

Thomas Ended His Doubts

When Jesus visited His disciples
After rising from the tomb,
Thomas was not present there
That day in that certain room.

Thomas is known for his doubting
That Jesus arose from the dead.
"I must see His nail prints
Before I believe," he said.

Later Jesus appeared to Thomas.
Thomas' doubts all fled away,
"My Lord and my God," he said,
When Jesus came to him that day.

There are so many, many doubters
In this old sinful world today,
But when they meet the Master,
Their doubts seem to flee away.

"Blessed are those who believe
On Him Whom they have not seen,"
Proclaimed my great risen Savior.
On Him I have learned to lean!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !